Development Aid and Energy

Speakers: Herman Verhagen (Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen) and Johan Verburg (Novib) Waarom doen de Nederlandse ontwikkelingsorganisaties niets met energie? Het is een ondergeschoven kindje, en ondanks de grote aandacht tijdens de World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, en de prioretisering van de Nederlandse overheid, schittert het thema door afwezigheid bij organisaties als ICCO, […]

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Transition Management

Speakers: Jaap Jelsma (ECN Policy Studies and University Twente), Henk Diepenmaat (Actors procesmanagement and entrepreneur slimlight), and Jörg Gigler (Novem) Transitions, transition management: buzz words en only a whim of policy makers? Or is there more going on and is this a development of a valuable promise to finally make a long-term guideline for policy?

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Fusion Road Show

Speakers: Marc Tiele Westra, Simon Kuyvenhoven & Marc Beurskens When I was walking from my work to home for the last time at the end of February, I intended to only do fun things. A good intent, which is not always easy to achieve. This evening, I made a choice between a nice evening at

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Energy Scenarios

  Speakers: Ferd Crone (PvdA) & Tom Kram (RIVM) Energy scenarios: what can you do with them? Imagine. You are living in 1900, the industrial revolution has already begun. Steam engines do what slow wind mills used to do and you can drive your car at 40 km/h from A to B, whereas you used

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NL armoede & energiebeleid na Johannesburg

Speakers: Jo-Ella van Rijn (DGIS), Nico van der Linden (ECN) Location: De Kargadoor, Oudegracht 36, Utrecht Time: 19.00 – 22.00 Tijdens de World Summit on Sustainable Development zijn vage afspraken gemaakt over het leveren van toegang tot energie in ontwikkelingslanden. Het Nederlandse Directoraat-Generaal voor Internationale Samenwerking heeft deze afspraken geconcretiseerd en verklaard in 2015 10

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Development Work

Speakers: Indira Romley & Véronique Bovée How do you get a job in development work? What will you do there? What can you do without experience? In the meeting centre Vredenburg there were 17 YES member present, curious to get answers to these questions. A summary of this meeting in English can be found here.

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DEO-Day 2002: “Liberalising the Energy Sector in Developing Countries: Solving Problems for the Poor?”

In a morning session, Ian Tellam of ‘not for profit’ consultancy ETC Energy gave an update of the background of this issue. He concentrated on the two dominant organizations in this debate: the Worlbank and IMF. Especially the insights in internal aspects of the Worldbank were clarifying. For the afternoon, an expert debate, chaired by

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