Sustainable energy transition: the rhetorics and realities
On 27 October, the International Institute of Social Studies will host a conference on sustainable energy transition.
Are we doing enough to reduce our carbon footprint?
Organized by the Young Energy Specialists and Development CooperationOpens external (YES-DC), the conference aims to filter out the noise in energy transition discourse and present energy enthusiasts with the hard reality of the current situation.
Questions the conference will consider include:
- Are we are doing enough to reduce our carbon footprints?
- Is the current happening in the real world far away from fanciful energy transition graphs and analyses?
- How much of the news, goals and promises are feasible?
- Is solar energy carbon-neutral?
- How ‘green’ is green hydrogen?
- Can climate goals and plants of coals go hand-in-hand?
- Louise van SchaikOpens external – Head Clingendael EU and Global Affairs
- Jojo Nem Singh – Associate Professor, International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Esther VermolenOpens external – Lead Shell/NAM Energy Transition
- Miracle AdenitanOpens external – President YES-DC