THE SHALE GAS REVOLUTION – A blessing or a curse?
By: Alexandra Dumitru
The exploration of unconventional energy sources such as shale gas was made possible by a new technology called hydraulic fracturing or fracking. Wide experimentation in the United States has made exploration of shale resources commercially feasible and brought about the shale (gas) revolution in the United States. According to an article published on 5 May 2013 in the Financial Times, the United States is expected to become a net exporter of gas by 2020 now the Obama administration has expressed its support towards exports. The main questions arising from the developments in the US revolve around the impact of shale gas exploration and the economic consequences for the rest of the world. Will shale gas be a global game changer? Will it have a role in the transition of the power sector? Can exploration be executed without major environmental impact?

For more information on the content of the evening, please find the three presentations below.
[message_box title=”HENK DUYVERMAN – Director at Cuadrilla Resources Netherlands.” color=”white”]
Henk had elaborated on the technical aspects of shale gas exploration, its commercial viability and its advantages.
Henk has 30 years of experience in the energy sector, specifically oil and gas. He previously worked for Statoil and Shell in various countries and the Geological Service of the Netherlands within TNO. He holds a PhD degree in Geology from the Open University of England.[/message_box]
[message_box title=”Jeroen de Joode – Researcher and Gas Coordinator at ECN Policy Studies. ” color=”white”]
Jeroen had discussed the market impact of the shale gas revolution in Europe and the Netherlands, and its role in the transition of the energy sector.
Jeroen has a background in economics (MSc from University of Tilburg in 2003, PhD from Delft University of Technology in 2012) and has been working for the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) since 2004. Before joining ECN he worked for the Netherlands’ Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) and the Dutch Energy Council. His main research interests are the long-term role of gas in energy transition and the functioning and regulation of gas markets.
[message_box title=”Ko van Huissteden – representing Shale Gas Free Netherlands.” color=”white”]
Ko had braught arguments against the exploration of shale gas, both with respect to social and environmental aspects, as well as its role as a solution to climate change mitigation.
Ko is Chairman of Shale Gas Free Netherlands and associate professor at the VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Earth Science. He holds a PhD in Physical Geography / Quaternary geology from VU University Amsterdam. Ko’s research actvities focus on carbon fluxes from wetlands with an emphasis on measurement and modeling of methane fluxes from permafrost areas at high northern latitudes.
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