Become a member

YES-DC works with a direct debit system; the membership fee will be withdrawn automatically once a year, a notification of this will be sent at least two weeks in advance and all your information will be treated with confidentiality and is not available to any third parties.

Join our community of energy enthusiasts now!


We do monthly events on different topics in energy and sustainable development, along with field trips and informal gatherings. Originally, these events were only physical, but they changed to solely webinars and online events because of the disruptions in our lifestyle in the past two years. Following the latest news, we hope to organize physical or hybrid types of events again in 2021.

Apart from raising awareness and spreading knowledge, we try to keep our community united and entertained through organizing informal events like networking events, BBQs, pub-quizzes, dinners, festive gatherings and many more surprises! Unfortunately, due to the fast-changing landscape and regulations, we are not certain when we can get back to normal, but you will receive an update immediately as a member!
Our members also receive a monthly newsletter, keeping you up-to-date with what’s happening in the energy field right now.

Being a member of YES-DC is a great way to expand your knowledge and outlook of the industry, grow your network in the field of energy and development cooperation, give your career a boost, and be inspired for a brighter future!