Decolonizing Sustainable Energy Transition
Industrialization marks the beginning of increasing human intervention in the natural order of the planet. At the altar of this evolution, conservative estimates indicate that 900 species are recorded to be extinct, 2262 more possibly extinct and 41500 species are threatened. In recent times, the government in developed nations have expressed progress towards achieving climate goals in accelerating energy transition. The focus is now shifting to the “global south” by demanding a fair share of commitment to reducing CO2 emissions. For example, China has mainstreamed as a major contributor to global emissions leading the pack at about 28% followed by India at 7% among other developing countries. Opinion-makers often take different positions in setting the agenda on degrowth and economic decoupling discourse. Some schools of thought urge, “developing countries to go green immediately” while others counter-assert that as the developed world has already had its share of growth, developing ones deserve a chance too. This raises the question of the disparity between developed and developing countries in their share of options and opportunities in accelerating towards energy transition such as the challenges of sustainable financing, multilateral cooperation and transfer of technology among others. This conference will examine the progress and challenges faced by developed and developing nations towards sustainable energy transition in shaping global commitment.
About the Organisation
Young Energy Specialists and Development Co-operation (YES-DC) is an association for young professionals and students in the energy and development co-operation fields established in 1994. The members work within local and international companies, government bodies, universities, research institutions, and NGOs. YES-DC aims to expand the network of young professionals and spread awareness about clean and sustainable energy by shedding light on contemporary development in this field from science and business level both nationally and internationally.
Process & Key Dates
The conference is organised by YES-DC as a knowledge-sharing and networking opportunity. It aims to provide its members of young professionals and/or students interested with an opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the field of energy and development co-operations.
Venue: Forty Hub, Maliebaan 50, 3581 CS Utrecht.
Date: 21 December 2022
Time: 18:30
Joana Meroz- Assistant Professor in Design Culture Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Jude Feranmi – Practice Lead, Co-Creation Hub
Miracle Adenitan – President, YES-DC