Success factors in rural energy projects in Africa – YES-Africa

Speakers: Arjan Doeswijk, Bas Lebbing

Tuesday 9th May 2006 we organize an activity about rural energy projects in Africa at the Florin, Nobelstraat 2-4 (, starting at 19.00.

The evening starts with a short update about the activities of the foundation ( and opportunities for YES-DC Members. YES-Africa supports networks for energyspecialists in Africa e.g. by actual projects for biogas and biodiesel (Jatropha oil) in Tanzania. YES-Africa likes to get a discussion going with YES-DC members about their experience or interest concerning rural energy projects.

Introduction of new energy sources and technology in rural Africa ranges from own initiatives to implementation by foreign organizations, accompanied by an increasing complexity, flow of money and interference and the conviction that sustainable energy is the solution for rural poverty and environmental problems. In proportion to this the life time of these projects and commitment of local participants however seem to decrease.
A recent development is that Africans can profitably develop projects by using microcredits and entrepreneurship. With rising oil prices, Kyoto goals and developments in sustainable energy in Europe there are also chances for European organizations. Investments and businessplans in Africa are stimulated with financial aid and cheap loans.

In this background the speakers, Arjan Doeswijk and Bas Lebbing worked in Tanzania on the implementation of rural energy projects. They will use their experience to discuss the bottlenecks and success factors in introducing new energy sources and technologies.

ARJAN DOESWIJK, ICT projectmanager at Achmea, did the projectmanagement (during his sabatical until March 2006) of a Jatropha bio oil project of YES-Africa in Same-Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.

BAS LEBBING worked four years in Tanzania until the end of 2005 for Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO), the last two years as advisor for an NGO called KARADEA Solar Training Facility, Karagwe district, Tanzania.