Energy in Emerging Markets

Speakers: Martijn Proos (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Jan Willem Langeraar (NICE International BV)

Dear YES-DC members,

We are glad to invite you to the YES-DC evening Energy in Emerging Markets, which will be held at the Florin (, Utrecht on Thursday the 3rd of May.

Energy and cooperation have been discussed in many occasions. It is generally agreed upon that energy plays a crucial role in development. However, there are number of questions that have not been answered unambiguously yet. What sort of approach can be successful to develop energy markets in the South? What kind of energy systems are the smartest in developing countries? Should we measure our success in provided energy or in fulfilled demand? How does the existing policy – both in the North and in the South – stimulates the creation of energy markets at the bottom of the pyramid?

All these questions and more can be addressed at the activity on Thursday the 3rd of May. This evening brings us the opportunity to debate on the role of entrepreneurship and policy in changing energy markets. From a broad point of view – energy worldwide, both supply and demand -, this activity aims to get insight on the interaction of the different actors involved in both development and cooperation.

Particularly, we are enthousiastic to announce our two speakers. They have been actively involved in Energy in Emerging Markets and they will present us their experience:

• Martijn Proos, Co-orginator Energy Fund, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• Jan Willem Langeraar, Managing Director, NICE International BV

From 19.00 the room will be opened and at 19.30h the activity will start. Afterwards you are very welcome to have some drinks together at Florin.

We look forward to meeting you on 3rd May!

Best regards,

Diana Ros (Coordinator Activities)
Haike van de Vegte (Chairman)